Update: May 24, 2021: Instructions for Submission of Camera Ready Version of the Accepted Papers are here. Camera Ready Version should be uploaded by June 5, 2021.
All the accepted and presented papers will be published as ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) as International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) with ISBN No. 978-1-4503-8971-6.
The templates (MS Word and LaTeX) for submission of full paper are to be downloaded from https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow
Please note the following:
1. For submission of the full paper, there is a separate version.
2. Initial submission is in single column format without page limit, but the authors need to ensure/check that the same content will fit in a two
column format within 6 pages for final camera ready submission.
3. Author names should not be mentioned, else the paper will get rejected without review.
4. ICPS authors must use the “sigconf” call when using the ACM LaTeX Authoring template: “\documentclass[sigconf, screen, review]{acmart}”
5. Upon paper acceptance, you will receive an email notification regarding further instructions.
Authors are hereby that AIR2021 conference is following a strict double-blind review process. The authors should not reveal their identity in the paper. More information can be found here.