Paper Submission

The paper submission will start from 1st November 2024.

Submission Checklist

  • A single PDF file must be submitted at the submission portal after filling up the required information.
  • Initial submission is in single column format without page limit, but the authors need to ensure/check that the same content will fit in a two column format within 6 pages for final camera ready submission.
  •  AIR 2025 follows a strict double-blind review process hence author names,  affiliations, etc. should not be mentioned or the authors should not reveal their identity in the paper. Papers not adhering to double-blind review guidelines will be REJECTED without review.
  • Author names should be omitted in the initial submission; papers mentioning them will be rejected without review.
  • Please submit your paper under the category most suitable for it. This will help in selecting suitable reviewers.
  • Formatting instruction for the submission of accepted papers will be communicated separately.
  • Accepted papers would be required to add the authors names etc. in the final camera ready copy.

Paper Template

  • Initial submission is in single column format without page limit, but the authors need to ensure/check that the same content will fit in a two column format within 6 pages for final camera ready submission.
  • Latex template (preferable) : Download (more details on formatting guidelines can be found here)
    • For Initial submission in single column format  the authors must use the “manuscript” call when using the ACM LaTeX Authoring template: “\documentclass[manuscript,screen,review]{acmart}” and to check that the same content will fit in a two column format within 6 pages for final camera ready submission  authors must use the “sigconf” call when using the ACM LaTeX Authoring template: “\documentclass[sigconf, screen, review]{acmart}” 
  • Microsoft Word template: Download (more details on formatting guidelines can be found here)
  • Overleaf users: Authors using the online collaborative platform overleaf can use the official ACM template on overleaf here.
  • It is necessary to include ACM CCS concepts in the paper. Accurate semantic tagging provides a reader with quick content reference; facilitates the ACM DL search for related literature; enables several ACM DL topic functions such as aggregated SIG and journal coverage areas; and helps ACM promote your work in other online resources.

Double-blind Review Guidelines

  • Anonymize the title page
  • Remove mention of funding sources and personal acknowledgments
  • Anonymize references found in running prose that cite your papers
  • Anonymize citations of submitted work in the bibliography
  • Ambiguate statements on well-known or unique systems that identify an author
  • Name your files with care and ensure document properties are also anonymized