Poster / Presentation Guidelines

Authors may please strictly follow the format for Posters as well as Slides.

Oral Presentation

  • Keep minimal slides
  • Only “.pptx” and “.pdf” files are accepted.
  • Name your file as: PaperNo-FirstAuthorName.pptx e.g. PaperNo-30-ShreyasPatel.pptx
  • 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes of Q&A
  • You will get a buzzer at 10 minutes after that you have to wrap the presentation in 2 minutes.

Poster Presentation

  • Poster boards will be provided for A0 size, Portrait.
  • One poster will be hung at each board.
  • Poster size to be used is A0. 
  • Please print the poster and bring it.

Doctoral Symposium

  • Maximum 12 slides
  • 10 minutes for Doctoral Symposium presentation.
  • 5 minutes for Discussion

General Instructions:

  1. All the contents of presentation slides should be easily readable with a minimum font size of 18 pt. Avoid tables and figures in small fonts.
  2. Rehearse the presentation and make sure it is within the allotted time, so that you get sufficient time for questions and discussions.
  3. Focus on the research objectives, methodology, novelty, and contributions.
  4. For doctoral symposium participants: The idea of the doctoral symposium is to help you to obtain feedback from a wider audience, who are not necessarily specialists in your area. So, avoid too much of technical details.