AIR 2023 invites unpublished research work in the following fields of Robotics:
( This is only a representative list. Any other related robotics topics are also considered.)
- Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of Robotic Systems
- Mechanisms Design and Analysis
- Manipulation and Grasping
- Human Robot Interaction
- Intelligent Sensor and Actuator Systems
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Robotics
- Medical , Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics
- Bio-Mimetic and Bio-Inspired Robotic Systems
- Localization and SLAM
- Climbing and Flying Robot
- Swarm Robotics
- Humanoid Robots
- Collaborative Robots/Cobots
- Virtual Reality & Haptics
- Soft Robotics and Flexible Manipulators
- Robotics for Industry 4.0
- Warehouse Robotics and Automation
- Agricultural and Ocean Robotics
Please follow the submission guidelines for formatting your paper and submission portal related information.
AIR 2023 Conference Proceedings will be published in ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
as International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) with ISBN No. 978-1-4503-9980-7.