Poster / Presentation Guidelines
Authors may please strictly follow the format for Posters as well as Slides.
Oral Presentation
- Keep minimal slides
- Only “.pptx” and “.pdf” files are accepted.
- Name your file as: PaperNo-FirstAuthorName.pptx e.g. PaperNo-30-ShreyasPatel.pptx
- 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes of Q&A
- You will get a buzzer at 10 minutes after that you have to wrap the presentation in 2 minutes.
Poster Presentation
- Poster boards will be provided for A0 size, Portrait.
- One poster will be hung at each board.
- Poster size to be used is A0.
- Please print the poster and bring it.
Doctoral Symposium
- Maximum 12 slides
- 10 minutes for Doctoral Symposium presentation.
- 5 minutes for Discussion
General Instructions:
- All the contents of presentation slides should be easily readable with a minimum font size of 18 pt. Avoid tables and figures in small fonts.
- Rehearse the presentation and make sure it is within the allotted time, so that you get sufficient time for questions and discussions.
- Focus on the research objectives, methodology, novelty, and contributions.
- For doctoral symposium participants: The idea of the doctoral symposium is to help you to obtain feedback from a wider audience, who are not necessarily specialists in your area. So, avoid too much of technical details.